Encouraging students to learn through academics and play.
Providing a positive, caring atmosphere for children.
Established in 1973, Treehouse Preschool provides classes for children ages 2 1/2 through 5 to encourage social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth in preparation for entry into Kindergarten.
Treehouse fosters an environment where children learn through both academics and play. We provide an atmosphere where children gain education in math, science, reading and writing while nurturing their social and emotional skills.
Class Offerings
Treehouse Preschool offers Three, Four and Five-Year-Old Classes in the morning and afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The morning classes meet from 9:00-11:30 AM and the afternoon classes from 12:30-3:00 PM. In addition to our regular preschool program, five year olds who are attending kindergarten the following year are invited to enroll in a science-based Enrichment Class. This course encourages children's critical and creative thinking. It is offered on Mondays both in the morning and afternoon.
Treehouse is proud to offer a “Me and My Parent” class on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:15- 10:45 AM to children turning 2 1/2 by September 1st. This program is the perfect first step into preparing for preschool as the toddler will attend with a parent, grandparent or guardian.
All classes begin in September and run through the middle of May. The preschool follows the same vacation schedule as the Tallmadge City Schools.
Liscensure & Board Information
Treehouse Preschool is licensed by the State of Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. The facility and teachers are inspected by the state of Ohio yearly to keep a current license. In our three and four-year-old classrooms, we have a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 7, with a maximum of 14 students. In the five-year-old class we have a ratio of 1 to 8, with a maximum of 16 students. The preschool is staffed by experienced and qualified teachers who are dedicated to the total growth of each individual child.
We are organized by a board composed of preschoolers' parents, a church liaison, the teachers and the director. The preschool Director, Wendy Brown, also works on the church staff as Director of Family Ministries. She serves as coordinator between the church staff, preschool board and teachers.
Learn More
Further information about Treehouse Preschool may be obtained by calling 330.630.0704 Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00 PM. We can also be reached by email at: treehousetallmadge@gmail.com.

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“It’s been a blessing since the very first day with lifelong friendships for both my children and myself.”